Resources for Breastfeeding Moms
Breastfeeding Resources & Assistance @ TMB
Are you a Breastfeeding mom? Are you struggling with breastfeeding your baby? Feeling overwhelmed by it all? Wondering if your baby is getting enough breastmilk or gaining weight? Is your pump working the way you think it should? Do you just want some support? We may have answers for you.
Breastfeeding Resources & Assistance @ TMB offers free skilled, personal, and confidential lactation support from an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) or Certified Lactation Specialist (CLS), infant weight checks, and pump checks. Our aim is to increase breastfeeding success for Indianapolis area breastfeeding women, while also promoting the value of Human Milk.
For phone consultation or to schedule an in-person meeting with our lactation team, call 317-536-1670 and ask for the Breastfeeding Resources & Assistance program.
The Milk Shoppe Baby Cafe
CLOSED TEMPORARILY IN RESPONSE TO COVID-19. Request to join our private online Milk Shoppe Baby Cafe Support group here!
Indiana Resources
Indiana WIC
Indiana State Breastfeeding Coalition
La Leche League of Indiana
Northern Indiana Lactation Consultant Association
Indiana Black Breastfeeding Coalition
Metro Indy Lactation Coalition (MILC)
Indiana State Department of Health – Liv App
Illinois Resources
Illinois WIC
Illinois State Breastfeeding Task Force
La Leche League of Illinois
Kentucky Resources
Kentucky Breastfeeding
Kentucky WIC
Lactation Improvement Network of Kentucky
La Leche League of Kentucky-Tennessee
Kentukiana Lactation Improvement Coalition (KLIC)
Missouri Resources
Missouri WIC
Missouri Breastfeeding Coalition
La Leche League of Missouri
National Resources
Guide to Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding USA
Office on Women’s Health
Center for Disease Control and Prevention
The National Breastfeeding Helpline – 1-800-994-9662
International Lactation Consultant Association
United States Breastfeeding Committee