Resources for Milk Depots
Not a milk depot yet? Click here for information on joining the team!
To order Milk Depot supplies, such as shipping boxes, please click here.
As a Milk Depot you are asked to maintain a temperature log of the freezer provided, and a log of milk deposits when they are dropped off and shipped. Links to blank logs can be found below:
Freezer Temperature Log – Please complete this each day someone is there. If no one is there on weekends those days can be left blank.
Milk Drop Off Log – One line will need to be completed for each donation. Please place a copy of the log into the box when milk is sent to the Milk Bank.
Additionally, the following forms may be helpful for the operation of your Milk Depot:
Depot Sample Procedures – If your facility requires a written procedure for the Milk Depot this should get you started. You can edit as needed.
Reimbursement Form – Should you incur any costs send this form, along with the receipt, and The Milk Bank will reimburse the cost.
Shipping Instructions – Information on how and when to ship milk to The Milk Bank.
As always, if you should happen to have any questions or concerns please contact out Milk Depot team by emailing, or calling 317-536-1670 ext 108.