Become a Milk Donor

A mother’s milk is a gift like no other

All babies, whether in the hospital or at home, need support to survive and thrive.  Every ounce counts.  Your donation of extra breast milk saves lives.

Step 1

Get Started

Complete the 2-part online application. We’ll take care of contacting your health care provider.

Step 2

Screening Phone Call

Connect on the phone with one of our staff.

Step 3

Get Blood Drawn

We’ll provide an order and cover the costs for a convenient blood draw.

Step 4

Start Saving Lives

Receive your Donor ID and start donating to babies in need!

Preemies need you

Donate Breastmilk, Save Lives

There is no greater gift to a family of a fragile NICU baby than donor milk. Milk donations are more than just nutrition, it’s life-saving medicine. Over 1,000 superheroes each year answer the call to save a life. Will you join them in helping a baby in need?

The overall process takes approximately 32 days. While this may seem like a long time, it’s a vital step to ensuring that we go through all safety measures and health assessments necessary.

donate breast milk

Your hard work saves lives.

Your hard work can save lives. We’re in
desperate need of donated breast milk for babies.

Will you become a first responder to a baby in need?
Click below to begin the process.

Donor FAQ
