The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed healthcare providers to their limits. Why would The Milk Bank put on an event like this? Because every day we have the privilege of working with parents & healthcare providers who are fighting to improve healthcare outcomes for the most fragile among us. We see you, we see how hard this is on you and we want you to be healthy and feel cared for.
Christy Gauss, MSW, LSW & Melanie Fauth, RN of Ignite Wellbeing are Advanced Practitioners trained by The Center for Mind Body Medicine. They offer this course to introduce the science behind mind-body medicine & strategies for healing psychological trauma and stress. Message them at with your questions!
Life is full of interruptions. Bookmark the recording to watch when you have time!
Mind Body Medicine Resources
Christy & Melanie refer to a toolbox of strategies & solutions – two of which participants tried during the course. Here are details & how-to videos on six of these tools & a copy of the presenter’s slides. Use this class handout for a list of helpful tips, and next steps. We’ve included links below to their great reading suggestions!
How To Meditate: A Guide To Self Discovery, Lawrence LeShan
Brain Rules, John Medina
The Body Keeps The Score, Bessel van der Kolk, M.D.
The Deepest Well, Dr. Nadine Burke-Harris
Daring Greatly & Rising Strong, Brené Brown
Helpful Videos/Books
How Stress Effects Your Brain Video
The Transformation, James S. Gordon, MD
Permission To Feel, Marc Brackett, Ph.D
Wherever You Go, There You Are, Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn
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Center for Mind Body Medicine (CMBM) has the world’s largest, most effective evidence-based program for healing population-wide psychological trauma and stress. In the 29 years since its founding, CMBM has developed a model of self-care, social support, and community building that has transformed practices and outcomes in health care, the training of health care professionals and the education of children. CMBM’s signature Mind-Body Skills Groups have repeatedly demonstrated, in studies published in peer-reviewed journals, to decrease levels of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) by 80 percent or more in adults. Published research also demonstrates statistically significant decreases in depression, hopelessness, anxiety, anger and sleep disturbance, and increases in quality of life.