Milk Depots

You’ve done the hard work of pumping, we can take it from here.

Milk Depots Near You

Milk depots are convenient, community-based collection sites for our approved milk donors. No need to wait for supplies – find a drop-off spot near you and let your local milk depot safely package & ship your donation for you!

Once collected, milk depots send donations to The Milk Bank. Your liquid gold goes through a careful intake process before heading to the lab for screening, analysis, and pasteurization. These are just some of the important layers of safety that take place before milk is dispensed to hospitals or outpatient families.

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Sometimes, a direct ship option may be best for you. If your nearest depot is more than 20 minutes away or you have a large donation to make, request free shipping supplies below.

Donors can request shipping supplies by clicking the button below.

Depots can request shipping supplies by clicking the button below.

Already a Milk Depot?
