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Thank you for attending our virtual outreach event & for your interest in increasing access to lifesaving pasteurized donor human milk!

Would you like to offer streamlined access of up to 40 oz of breast milk without a prescription?

  • Host a Donor Milk Express site. Click here for information.

Could your office be a convenient location for approved donors to drop off breast milk donations?

  • Become a Milk Depot! Click here for information.

Would you like to remove barriers for people becoming approved donors?

  • Schedule an appointment-only, low-contact milk drive for pre-screened donors to get their blood test & make a donation all at once!

Would you like to receive the latest clinical research in your in-box?

  • Sign up for our newsletter & bi-monthly Medical Minute.

Would you like to offer pasteurized donor human milk in your NICU and Postpartum units?

To discuss these services or talk about the clinical training we provide, contact Sarah Long, IBCLC, and our Clinical Director!

slong@themilkbank.org, or 317-536-1670 extension104.
