
2021 State of Infant Health in Indiana

Panel on State of Infant Health in Indiana

Dr. Kristina Box, Indiana State Health Commissioner was the featured speaker on a discussion of the state of infant health and mortality in Indiana. During 2020, a year of loss for so many, Indiana made gains in protecting the lives of our youngest Hoosiers. 2021 Indiana State of Infant Health - panel speakers

Dr. Box joined a discussion with Dr. Karen Amstutz, Vice President of Community Health, IU Health and leader of Cradle Indianapolis, Freedom Kolb, Executive Director, The Milk Bank, and Amrutha Wheeler, Data Science Team Leader, Resultant, on innovative efforts in motion to keep Indiana headed in the right direction.


The session was hosted by The Milk Bank to connect you with local experts, amplify voices, and create opportunities to think differently about collective impact. This was one of several free, virtual learning sessions designed to gather big thinkers and big hearts from all fields as we aspire to reduce the devastating rate of infant mortality.

The Milk Bank is honored to share this brave and innovative space with changemakers in our communities. Sign up for our newsletter and join us as we seek to celebrate more first birthdays for vulnerable infants. Don’t miss our next session on how babies shaped our world!

Session Resources

The State of Infant Health, was presented by Resultant, with support from Indiana University Health. Watch the session in its entirety or send an email to for a copy of the slide deck. Speakers and attendees shared valuable resources to monitor and support infant health in our communities. Bookmark this page and explore these tools!

The Milk Bank Resources

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Medical Relief Fund

Speaker & Attendee Resources

Tags: Healthcare

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